1. Propozyciji w nauci ta technyci (PROPOSALS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY)

1. Scientific research, development and production of explosion-proof electrical equipment according to customer requirements:
— electric motors;
— transformers and transformer substations;
— control and alarm devices.

Small specific proposal: explosion-proof electric motor ЭДКВЭ4-220.

ЭДКВЭ4-220 electric motor

2. Scientific research, development and production of special-purpose electrical equipment for machines and mechanisms of various technological processes (end electric, valve electric motors).

3. Development and production of alternative energy sources based on the technologies and patents of N. Tesla, aether-dynamic representations of the structure of our world. Etherodynamics is a division of physics based on a dynamic (model) approach when considering various physical phenomena and processes and based on the idea of the existence of a gas-like protomatter medium (ether) responsible for all types of material formations and fields.

The topic of ether dynamics is especially interesting for us. Actually, this resource was once created for it. We give in the following file the directions of work that are also very interesting for us and in which we can take part (the file is taken from the source works on etherodynamics plan.

4.  Development and production of regenerative respiratory equipment, modernization of existing samples and projects based on modern technology. Regenerative breathing apparatus (respirators) for the Ministry of Emergency Situations and special units. Oxygen and air compressors, automation of oxygen equipment.

Investment offer: regenerative respiratory equipment  Р-30, Р-30Е, Р-34, Р-12.

Respirator P-30E

5. Design, construction and production of mining machines and complexes: coal-mining combines, mechanized lining; machines and units of hydraulic drive and pneumatic drive; pumps and pumping equipment, vacuum pumps, machines and equipment of processing plants.

Investment proposal: a coal mining combine for work on thin inclined and steeply inclined coal seams  КТНГ.

КТНГ project

Investment proposal: mining coal combines to work on the steep fall of coal seams in the conditions of India and Indochina  КАРБОН and КОБАЛЬТ.

КОБАЛЬТ project

Mining conditions of application of the project КОБАЛЬТ

КАРБОН project

Mining conditions of application of the project КАРБОН

We offer modernized cutting drums (augers) of coal-mining combines: ШР14-63.00.000 (analogue ШН146Р.000).

Explosion-proof cutting drum (auger) ШР14-63

We develop capacitive equipment for the oil and gas industry. Below is a project of a separation tank for a customer in Ukraine: ST-4-800 .

Separation tank ST-4-800

 6. Development and production of pneumatic conveying machinery and equipment: pneumatic chamber pumps, pneumatic screw pumps, filters, air collectors (receivers), assemblies and equipment of pneumatic conveying systems (flow dividers, elbows, flange transitions), air cleaning equipment and environmental protection.

A fragment of the development of a pneumatic chamber pump PCP120.22P.411.122 for a customer in Ukraine.

Pneumatic chamber pump PCP120.22P.411.122

A fragment of the development of a pneumatic chamber pump PCP100.92P.411.132  for a customer in Ukraine.

Pneumatic chamber pump PCP100.92P.411.132

A fragment of the development of a pneumatic chamber pump PCP60.92P.411.132 for a customer in Ukraine.

Pneumatic chamber pump PCP60.92P.411.132

7. Development and manufacture of chemical equipment and biotechnology equipment, energy technologies, alternative energy technologies based on biofuels.

Fragment of the development of a hopper for the biofuel energy complex. This project was developed for a customer in Ukraine. Technical characteristics of the BZ-28-15 (30) hopper agitator can be found here: BZ-28-15(30)

Bunker-agitator BZ-28-15 (30) — view of the actuator and discharging device

Bunker-agitator BZ-28-15 (30) — transportation in a horizontal position is allowed.

An example of the development of special extruders for the food industry for the customer in Europe.

Special extruders BGEMH 40/35/34/32/30DR and BGEMH 40

Brief technical information on the special forming extruder BGEMH 40 for protein shell can be found here: BGEMH 40.

Brief technical information on the special forming extruder BGEMH 40/35/34/32/30DR for protein shell can be found here: BGEMH 40/35/34/32/30DR.

Special extruder BGEMH 40N

Brief technical information on the special forming extruder BGEMH 40N for protein shell can be found here: BGEMH 40N

Special extruder BGEMH 40K

Brief technical information on the special forming extruder BGEMH 40K for protein shell can be found here: BGEMH 40K.

8. Development of repair documentation and original design documentation for the restoration, replacement of damaged mining equipment of foreign production (any mineral processing equipment, pumping equipment, cleaning and tunneling equipment, coke-chemical equipment, mining and metallurgical equipment). Accompaniment of manufacturing, search and placing an order for execution at enterprises. Production of newly developed repair units and units.

Information for mining mechanical engineers in Colombia, Spain, India, Vietnam. We repair, complete with any spare parts, assembly units cutter-loader coal combine POISK-2(R). This coal combine are used for coal mining on steep and steeply-bent coal seams. For interested persons, we are ready to consider the full reproduction of these machines in Ukraine.

The coal-mining coal combine for working steep and steeply inclined coal seams «POISK-2 (R)»

The POISK-2 (R) coal combiner at HUNOSA is repaired

Cutter-loader coal combine «POISK-2(R)» («ПОИСК-2(Р)») — old photo

Information for mining mechanical engineers in Colombia, Spain, India, Vietnam. We repair, complete with any spare parts, assembly units cutterloader coal combine TEMP-1. This coal combine are used for coal mining on steep and steeplybent coal seams. For interested persons, we are ready to consider the full reproduction of these machines in Ukraine.

Cutter-loader coal combine «TEMP-1» («ТЕМП-1»)

Cutter-loader coal combine «TEMP-1» («ТЕМП-1») — additional photo

Information for miners in Ukraine, Colombia, Spain, India, Vietnam, Iran. Modern coal combines for coal mining on steeply sloping coal seams do not have a system for picking up and laying a power cable, or a hose with compressed air. Stacking is often done through the manual labor of the mining workers. But there were machines to mechanize such hard work. We offer a renewed MCP project. This cable winch for cable picking and stacking MCP is used in conjunction with the POISK-2 (R) and TEMP-1 coal combines.

Old MCP (KBK2) project

New MCP (KBK2) project in the UN90 complex (in the background)

New MCP (KBK2) (background snippet)

Information for mining mechanical engineers in Ukraine, Colombia, Spain, India, Vietnam. A separate feed machine (winch) is used to operate coal mining combines in conditions of steeply inclined and steep coal seams. This winch has 6 versions: 3 for the electric version and 3 for the pneumatic version. Accordingly, there are versions with one rope drum for technological work. Basic technical data for the electric two-drum version can be found here: 1ЛГКНМ2Е

Rope two-drum feed part (winch) for moving mining coal combines operating on steeply inclined and steep coal seams: 1ЛГКН

 We offer a modernized water ring compressor vacuum pump КВН 50-1,5МГ.

We offer an improved version of the water ring vacuum pump ВВН 25-0,4.

We offer an improved version of the water ring vacuum pump ВВН 12-0,4.

We offer an improved analog slurry pump ШН 250-34М (ШН 270-40), can be used instead of an electric pump unit with a centrifugal slurry pump НШБ 250-35,5.

Slurry pump ШН 250-34 (ШН 270-40)

We offer slurry pump: У900-90.

We offer slurry pump: 12У6.

We offer slurry pump: ШН 400-40.

We offer machines for the enrichment of coal: the screen of  ГИСЛ-62У.

We offer machines for the enrichment of coal: elevators ЭО4 — ЭО10.

We invite to cooperate:


Contact phone numbers:

(+38096) – 074 – 06 — 49

(+38095) – 466 – 23 — 89